Market Reports

Market Report June 2024

On Tuesday, June 11, the May position report was released by the Almond Board of California. Expectations were already high ahead of the report, and the transition from the current crop to the new crop was becoming increasingly tight, with certain qualities and sizes already virtually unavailable....

Market Report May 2024

Last week was very intense, as the wonderful crop estimate was published on 10th May, followed by the subjective estimate, and on Tuesday, 14th May, the position report for April 2024 was published. The subjective estimate was much anticipated.

Market Report April 2024

On Thursday 11th April the position report for March 2024 was published. A lower shipment number than March 2023 was expected, as...

Market Report March 2024

On Tuesday 12th March the position report for February 2024 was published. Unlike the last months sellers have been....

Market Report February 2024

On Friday 9th February the position report for January 2024 was published. Talks leading up to the position report were about good shipment and new sales being a little slow. In the end shipments came in at....

Market Report January 2024

On Thursday 11th January the position report for December 2023 was published. Good shipments were expected as new sales in October and November were very high. In the end shipments came in at...

Market Report December 2023/01

On Friday 10th November the position report for October was published. As expected, shipments came in higher than last year, at 247 million lbs....

Market Report November 2023/01

On Friday 10th November the position report for October was published. As expected, shipments came in higher than last year, at 247 million lbs...

Market Report Oktober 2023 01

On Tuesday 12th October the position report for September was published, the second of the almond year 2023/24. Shipments were expected to be…

Market Report September 2023 01

On Tuesday, Sept. 12, the Almond Board of California released the position report for August, the first for the new 2023/24 almond season. As expected....

Market Report August 2023 01

On Friday 11th August the position report for July was published, the last of the almond year 2022/23. Even though shipment is the second largest number ever for a July and an increase of...

Market Report July 2023 01

Interesting two days with both the position report and the objective estimate being published! On Tuesday 11th July the position report was published followed by the objective estimate on Wednesday 12th July. The objective estimate was pretty much...

Market Report June 2023 01

On Friday, 9 June 2023, the Almond Board of California released the position report for May. In view of the low commitments, shipments were as expected....

Market Report May 2023 01

It has been a busy week with many numbers. On Thursday 11th May the Almond Board of California released the position report for March April 2023, followed by the subjective estimate on Friday 12th May....

Market Report April 2023 01

On Tuesday 11th April the Almond Board of California released the position report for March 2023. For the third month in a row we saw a huge.....

Market Report March 2023 01

On Thursday 9th March the Almond Board of California released the position report for February 2023. For the second month in a row we saw a huge increase in shipments. Shipments increased to almost all destinations, with Europe being the exception this month....

Market Report February 2023 01

On Thursday 9th February the Almond Board of California released the position report for January 2023. For the first time in a very long time, this is not a non-event. California saw an improvement in all numbers. At 230 million lbs shipments were…

Market Report January 2023 01

On Thursday 12th January the Almond Board of California released the position report for December 2022. A remarkable bounce back after three months with lower shipments than the year before. At 206 million lbs shipments came in…

Market Report December 2022 01

On Tuesday 13th December the Almond Board of California released the position report for November 2022 with shipments at 204 million lbs. For the second consecutive month shipment numbers were...

Market Report November 2022 01

On Friday 11th November the Almond Board of California released the position report for October 2022. There were mixed signals, again, leading up to the position report with some packers lower than last year and some higher than last year. October 2022 was, however, ...

Market Report October 2022 01

On Tuesday 11th September the Almond Board of California released the second position report for the almond year 2022/23. With very mixed signals leading up to the Report...

Market Report September 2022 01

On Friday 9th September the Almond of California released the first position report for the almond year 2022/23. And it brought much needed good news to the Californians. Shipments were up by…

Market Report August 2022 01

After 3 months of very good shipments and an estimate below expectations the market was set for firmer prices. But California has now faced a very different reality. The position report for the month of July, the last one for the almond year 2021/22, was published by the Almond Board of California on Friday 12th August showing a…

Market Report July 2022 01

Again a month with more than just one number to look at. On Friday 8th July the objective estimate was published. Expectation were in general between....

Market Report June 2022 01

Last month we had both the INC meeting, the subjective estimate and a position report to talk about. This month it is only the position report. With less....

Market Report May 2022 01

Last week was a busy week. The nuts and dried fruit industry was assembled at the annual International Nuts and Dried Fruits Congress (INC), during which the position report for April and the subjective estimate were both published. After a rather neutral March shipment report, the numbers for April were....

Market Report April 2022 01

Tuesday 12th April was a busy day. The Almond Board published the position report for March 2022 and TNT published the first much expected unofficial crop estimate. California was hoping for ...

Market Report March 2022 01

On Friday, 11th March the Almond Board of California published the position report for February 2022. There were rumors about shipments being...

Market Report February 2022 01

On Friday 11th February the Almond Board of California published the position report for January 2022. The shipments follow the same pattern as seen during the last months. Shipments reached a...

Market Report January 2022 02

The Turkish hazelnut market has been rather quiet for the last months. Demand has been relatively quiet, and the selling interest in Turkey has been limited. The development in the market has been more influenced by the financial development in Turkey, less by...

Market Report January 2022 01

On Tuesday 11th January the Almond Board published the Position Report for December 2021. The shipments follow the same pattern as seen during the last months. Shipments reached a very...

Market Report December 2021 01

On Tuesday 14th December the Almond Board of California published the position report for November 2021. The shipments follow the same pattern as seen during the last months. Shipments reached a...

Market Report November 2021/02

On Thursday 11th November the Almond Board of California published the Position Report for October, the third report for the almond year 2021/22. October 2020 saw the largest shipments ever, so..

Market Report November 2021/01

It is now well perceived in the market place that the 2021 Turkish Hazelnut crop is around 800k tonnes inshell if not a little higher. The Turkish Central bank announcing a 2% cut in the Base Rate…

Market Report October 2021/01

On Tuesday 13th October the Almond Board of California published the position report for September. We had become so used to new shipment records, that it was interesting to see that no one...

Market Report September 2021/01

On 10th September the Almond Board of California published the first position report for the almond year 2021/22. As always shipments were interesting, but most eyes were on...

Market Report August 2021/02

Finally, we have the long awaited TMO support price of 26.5 Turkish Lire per Kilo.
To put this number into some form of perspective, the current market price of some $660 per 100 kilos DDU, is based on a Turkish Lire price of 25 Turkish Lire per kilo...

Market Report August 2021/01

On Thursday 12th August the Almond Board of California published the position report for the month of July, the last month of the almond year. And it feels like...

Market Report July 2021/01

A lot of numbers to look at this month. The position report covering the month of June 2021 was published Friday by the Almond Board of California followed by the objective estimate Monday. As we have seen the last few months....

Market Report June 2021/01

The position report covering the month of May 2021 was published Thursday, the 10th of June, by the Almond Board of California. Once again most expected a big shipment number, and...

Market Report May 2021/01

It has been an eventful week with two estimates and the position report for April being published. On Monday the estimate by Wonderful, a large handler of almonds and pistachios, came out, followed by the position report on Tuesday and the NASS subjective estimate on Wednesday. Again most expected a big shipment number published in the position report...

Market Report April 2021/02

We have about one week to go, until we can finally declare that the Frost Risk for the 2021 season is over. Although the current forecasts suggest we will get through this tense period safely. Assuming we don’t have any frost in the next week....

Market Report April 2021/01

The position report covering the month of March 2021 was published Friday 9th April 2021 by the Almond Board of California. Most expected a...

Market Report March 2021 01

The position report covering the month of February 2021 was published Thursday, the 11th of March by the Almond Board of California. The number is a bit of a surprise...

Market Report February 2021 01

The position report covering the month of January 2021 was published Thursday, the 11th of February by the Almond Board of California. And for once we are not repeating ourselves. It was NOT...

Market Report January 2021 02

Hazelnut market is currently calm, after a few weeks of concern about the 2021 crop. The temperatures on the Black Sea coast were too warm for the time of year, which led to fears that the bloom would develop too early...

Market Report January 2021 01

The position report covering the month of December 2020 was published on Tuesday 12th January 2021 by the Almond Board of California. And once again we are repeating ourselves. It was another..

Market Report December 2020 02

The position report covering the month of November 2020 was published Tuesday, the 15th of December, by the California Almond Board. 2020 ended with another record. With 263.2 million lbs we had the highest shipments ever for a November.

Market Report December 2020 01

Those who watch the hazelnut market avidly, will notice a continued preoccupation with the very volatile Turkish Lire in market reports, and its apparent effect on the...

Market Report November 2020 01

The position report covering the month of October 2020 was published Thursday by the California Almond Board. With the very high commitments everyone expected shipment in October to follow the trend set out in

Market Report October 2020 01

Now that most major Market Fundamentals for the 2020 crop season have all occurred, and dare I say, are priced in, we are left to watch the market marinade in order to see which of those Fundamentals prove most persuasive. For the moment the effect of what is referred to as “The Largest User”, is the most...

Market Report September 2020 01

The first position report for the crop year 2020 was published Friday, the 11th of September, by the Almond Board of California. Given the high commitments, the high new sales and the low Prices...

Market Report August 2020 01

The last position report for the crop year 2019 was published yesterday by the California Almond Board. Given the high commitments last month a...

Market Report July 2020/01

Last week we saw two important numbers for the almond industry. The objective estimate was released on Tuesday, the 7th of July and the position report for June was released on Friday, the 10th of July. The objective estimate was as always awaited with much interest. With last year’s objective estimate being so far…

Market Report June 2020/02

In our last report we mentioned the wide spread Turkish 2020 Crop “realistic” expectations of about 615,000 tonnes in shell, even though the earlier official report…

Market Report June 2020/01

Yesterday the Almonds Board published the shipment number for May. Shipments in May were again a new record………..oh, they were not? And even much lower than last year? We have become so used to each position report bringing new shipment records that you almost need to look twice to see if there is an error.

Market Report May 2020/01

Both the subjective estimate and the position report for April 2020 were published Tuesday night, the 12th of May, European time. Since the Terra Nova estimate of 2.97 billion lbs on 24th April the almond market...

Market Report April 2020/03

This morning Terra Nova Trading published their annual estimate for the almond crop. The consensus before this estimate was around...

Market Report April 2020/02

The hazelnut market has of course been affected by this dreaded virus, but more from a logistical standpoint than anything else. Truck drivers returning from Europe to...

Market Report April 2020/01

The shipment report for March 2020 was published Thursday before Easter by the Almond Board. Development similar to the last few position reports. Once again we see...

Market Report March 2020/01

The Shipment Report for February 2020 was published Thursday by the Almond Board. Once again we see...

Market Report February 2020/01

The shipment report for January 2020 was published Tuesday, the 11th of February,
by the Almond Board. With 220.5 million lbs the number is approx. 10.5 million lbs or 5.2% ...

Market Report January 2020/02

As always at this time, all eyes are on Turkey and the important criterion that determine the world hazelnut price. Many of these criteria of course remain artificial, or at any rate unrelated to the normal laws of supply and demand.

Market Report January 2020/01

The last shipment report for the calendar year 2019 was published on Friday by the Almond Board. With 206 million lbs the number is approx. 6 million lbs or 3.2%...

Market Report December 2019/01

The shipment report for November 2019 was published on 11th December 2019 by the Almond Board. With 235.9 million lbs the number is 1.7 million lbs or 0.7%...

Market Report November 2019/01

The shipment report for October 2019 was published on Tuesday evening by the Almond Board. With 265.5 million lbs the number is 18.4 million lbs or 7.4% higher than....

Market Report October 2019/02

We are again in the strange position that the lower the price currently the more bullish the market there after, and vice versa. That is because the lower the price, the more hazelnuts...

Market Report October 2019/01

The shipment report for September 2019 was released yesterday by the Almond Board with 196.2 million lbs. The number is 27.4 million lbs or 16% higher than September 2019, making this month the...

Market Report September 2019/01

Having shipped the complete 2018 crop all eyes are now on the 2019 crop. The biggest question of them all: Will the subjective estimate of 2,200 million lbs be correct, or will the crop be larger?

Market Report August 2019/02

After a year with very low prices for sweet apricot kernels, very high prices for Chinese bitter apricot kernels and normal prices for bitter apricot kernels from other origins, things have changed...

Market Report August 2019/01

With the shipment numbers for July 2019 released 13th August by the Almond Board the almond year 2018/19 has come to an end. With 154.2 million lbs July shipments were at a new record Level...

Market Report July 2019/02

The shipment numbers for June 2019 were released on Friday 12th July by the Almond Board. With 165.2 million lbs June shipments were...

Market Report July 2019/01

The objective estimate was published last night by NASS. The 2019 crop is estimated at 2.2 billion lbs...

Market Report June 2019/01

The shipment numbers for May 2019 were released Tuesday 11th June by the Almond Board. With 178.7 million lbs May shipments were at a new record Level...

Market Report May 2019/01

Last week saw two events influencing the almond market. The shipment numbers for April 2019 were released Thursday, the 9th of May by the Almond Board, and Friday, the 10th of May NASS published the subjective estimate for the 2019 crop...

Market Report April 2019/02

The last month or so has been very decisive in terms of current and new crop hazelnuts. The first important announcement was on the 6th March when the Turkish Exporters Union revealed an early Turkish crop forecast of...

Market Report April 2019/01

The shipment numbers for March 2019 were released Thursday 11th April by the Almond Board. With 184.9 million lbs shipments were slightly...

Market Report March 2019/01

The shipment numbers for February 2019 were released Tuesday by the Almond Board. With 186.9 million lbs, shipments were slightly...

Market Report February 2019/02

The hazelnut market remains steady, since our last report. Shipments remain constant to a little behind last year, with different origins taking priority as they have come in and out of competitiveness over the period. Currency as always has played its part...

Market Report February 2019/01

The shipment numbers for January 2019 were released Tuesday, the 12th of February, by the Almond Board. With 209.6 million lbs shipments were on the higher end of the expectations being up ...

Market Report January 2019/01

The shipment numbers for December 2018 were released Friday, the 11th of January, by the Almond Board. With 199.6 million lbs shipments were on the lower end of the expectations being down ...

Market Report December 2018/01.

The shipment numbers for November 2018 were released yesterday by the Almond Board. With 237.6 million lbs shipment set a new record for November being up...

Market Report November 2018/04

For those of us who are avid observers of the Almond market, it is worth highlighting how that differs from the Hazelnut market in many ways...

Market Report November 2018/03

The shipment numbers for October should be well known by now, so just a short recap. With 247.1 million lbs shipments were unexpectedly ...

Market Report November 2018/02

Just a few words about the market following Friday’s numbers. Two of our colleagues are currently travelling in California to get a clearer picture about the almond market. October shipment of…

Market Report November 2018/01

There are currently rumours in the market, spread by a German Marzipan and ABC producer, of a possible 4 weeks delay of the almonds deliveries from California, due to some quality problems. We currently have no evidence of such an issue...

Market Report October 2018/01

The California Almond Board released the shipment report for September 2018 on Thursday evening showing shipments of 168.8 million lbs., a reduction of…

Market Report September 2018/01

The Almond Board of California released their first shipment report for the 2018 crop season on Tuesday evening, the 11th of September, showing shipments of 154.2 million lbs, a reduction of...

Market Report August 2018/02

If anything the market in Turkey is now paralysed after a long weekend of currency turmoil. Even though material is now dry and ready to go to the crackers, nobody wants to sell it...

Market Report August 2018/01

The Almond Board of California released their final shipment report for the season on Friday evening showing July shipments of ....

Market Report July 2018/03

It would seem that the main crops from Turkey, Italy and Georgia are proceeding well towards harvest, with many of the price sensitive concerns (but not all) now...

Market Report July 2018/02

The Almond Board of California released their June 2018 Almond Industry Position Report last Thursday evening, confirming shipments of ...

Market Report July 2018/01

Yesterday evening (Thursday 5th July at 9:0pm CET) NASS (National Agricultural Statistics Services) announced their 2018 Objective Almond Crop estimate of...

Market Report June 2018/02

Moll Marzipan have been working with the the National German Association for the Confectionary Industry to ensure the proposed duties imposed by the European Union on various US products do not include almonds...

Market Report June 2018/01

The Almond Board of California released their May 2018 Almond Industry Position Report on Monday evening 11th June, with shipments of ...

Market Report May 2018/04

We have seen very few changes to almond prices in dollar terms since our last report. Unfortunately we have seen a significant...

Market Report May 2018/03

The current figures have come as a slight surprise to people in two ways. Firstly the crop estimate for Turkey at 640,000 tonnes in shell, is a little larger than...

Market Report May 2018/02

We have seen some significant reports during the last 3 weeks, all of which have proved bullish, and as a result almond prices have increased. The bullish reports started with...

Market Report May 2018/01

On Wednesday 25th April the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released their Almond Acreage Report, confirming the 2017 total acreage of ...

Market Report April 2018/02

On Friday we reported on the March Position Report, with shipments of 193.9 million lbs, an 8.9% ...

Market Report April 2018/01

The Almond Board of California released their March 2018 Almond Industry Position Report yesterday evening 12th April, with shipments of...

Market Report March 2018/02

The Almond Board of California released their February 2018 Almond Industry Position Report Friday evening 9th March, with shipments of...

Market Report March 2018/01

As we reach the half way point in the season, and enter the most dangerous time in the development of the 2018 crop, it is possibly a good time to look back over the season so far, and forward to the season to come...

Market Report February 2018/01

The Almond Board of California released their January 2018 Almond Industry Position Report Friday evening 9th February, with shipments of...

Market Report January 2018/01

The Almond Board of California released their December 2017 Almond Industry Position Report on Thursday evening 11th January, with shipments of...

Market Report December 2017/03

The Almond Board of California released their November 2017 Position Report on Tuesday evening 12th December and announced remarkable shipments of..

Market Report December 2017/02

Many of the scenarios discussed in previous reports have now already played through. The Turkish crop proved to be large; how large remains to be seen..

Market Report December 2017/01.

Almond Position Report Release Schedule – 2017/18..

Market Report November 2017/02

Two weeks ago we reported that California had shipped 246 million lbs during the month of October, the largest amount ever despatched in one month in the history of the almond industry. Within minutes of the announcement...

Market Report November 2017/01

The Almond Board of California issued their latest Position Report on Friday 10th November. As we expected shipments in October were 246.5 million lbs, a 4.6% increase over last year’s 235.6 million lbs.

It’s remarkable California managed...

Market Report October 2017/02

The Almond Board of California released their September 2017 Position Report on Wednesday evening 11th October confirming shipments of 190.58 million lbs; although this was a strong number, being the 2nd largest amount ever shipped in September, the figure was....

Market Report October 2017/01

There is a growing consensus that the three largest 2017 hazelnut crops are about 700,000 tonnes in Turkey, 90,000 tonnes in Italy, and 70,000 tonnes in Georgia on an in-shell basis. As usual the reality of the crop size is ultimately less important than the...

Market Report August 2017/02

On Thursday 10th August the Almond Board of California released their final report from the 2016/17 season. July shipments hit another record of 154 million lbs. Although we have been predicting record shipments for some time, the market has reacted to the reality with…

Market Report August 2017/01

Turkey appears to be on track for a 2017 crop of 760,000 tonnes, according to the Turkish Exporters Union. Even if Italy is disappointing...

Market Report July 2017/01

On Thursday 6th July NASS (National Agricultural Statistics Services) announced their 2017 Objective Almond Crop estimate. This estimate is 2.3%...

Market Report June 2017/01

On Friday evening 9th June the Almond Board of California released their May 2017 Almond Position Report with a 4.1% decline compared to...

Market Report May 2017/02

The Almond Board of California released their April 2017 Position Report on Thursday evening 11th May confirming shipments of 152 million lbs, a decline ...

Market Report May 2017/01

The National Agricultural Statistics Services [NASS] released their 2017 Almond Crop Subjective estimate yesterday evening, with a 2017 crop figure of 2.20 billion lbs. If correct, this would result in an average yield of ...

Market Report April 2017/01

We have seen some significant reports during the last 3 weeks, a combination of bullish and bearish news. As the almond market is relatively quiet, the bearish news has had the greater influence and driven prices to...

Market Report February 2017/02

Heavy rainfall and storms have hit the Californian valley, most Almond Packers and Growers have withdrawn from the market. Almond prices have increased since our recent report last week up to..

Market Report February 2017/01

On Thursday 9th February the Almond Board of California released their January 2017 Almond Position Report confirming shipments of 165.8 million lbs, a remarkable...

Market Report January 2017/01

On Wednesday 11th January the Almond Board of California released their December 2016 Almond Position Report confirming shipments of 156 million lbs, a 15% increase over last year's 135 million lbs. Compared to last year: December shipments...

Market Report December 2016/01

On Tuesday 6th December the long awaited news on mapping analysis with updated acreage numbers was announced. The data indicates that the Californian Almond acreage is between 5-9%...

Market Report November 2016/03

Despite California shipping the largest amount in the history of the almond industry during October [shipments were 235.5 million lbs, 45% above the previous year], almond prices have...

Market Report November 2016/02

The Almond Board of California released their October 2016 Almond Industry Position Report on Tuesday evening 8th November, with shipments of...

Market Report November 2016/01

The Almond Board will release their October 2016 Position Report on Tuesday afternoon 8th November, 3 days earlier than originally planned. Californian shipments for October‎ are likely to achieve 220 million lbs, although we should not be too surprised if...

Market Report October 2016/02

We previously advised that almond shipments during September reached a remarkable 201.6 million lbs, which was a 41% increase over last year's 142.9 million lbs. The previous all time record for September was 177 million lbs in 2013, and whilst many of us expected a new record, we did not expect such a large shipment figure. We have now seen record shipments in...

Market Report October 2016/01

The Almond Board released their September 2016 Position Report on Tuesday evening 11th October. Californian shipments for the month‎ were 201.5 million lbs, a 41% increase over last year's 142.9 m.lbs. Many including us were expecting a record shipment figure, no-one could have predicted such a large increase. After only 2 months of the season shipments are...

Market Report September 2016/01

Facts/Market Data:
The Almond Board of California released their August 2016 Almond Industry Position Report on Friday evening 9th September, with shipments of 170 million lbs...

Market Report August 2016/01

The Almond Board of California released their July 2016 Almond Industry Position Report on Thursday evening 11th August with shipments ...

Market Report July 2016/02

Facts/Market Data:
The Almond Board of California released their June 2016 Almond Industry Position Report on Tuesday evening 12th June with shipments of 174.01 million lbs, a 15.4% increase over last year’s...

Market Report July 2016/01

Facts and Market Data:
On Wednesday evening 6th July NASS [The National Agriculture Statistic Services] announced their 2016 Californian Objective Crop Estimate of 2.05 billion lbs. This shows a 2.5% increase...

Market Report June 2016/01

The Almond Board of California released their May 2016 Almond Industry Position Report on Friday evening 10th June with shipments of 178.07 million lbs...

Market Report May 2016/01

Facts/Market Data:
We have seen some significant reports during the last 3 weeks, all of which have proved bullish, and as a result almond prices have increased.

The bullish reports started with a surprising ...

Market Report April 2016/01

The Almond Board of California released their March Almond Position Report on Tuesday evening 12th April, with shipments of 161 million lbs...

Market Report March 2016/01

On Friday evening 11th March, the Almond Board of California released their February Almond Position Report, with shipments of 155 million lbs...

Market Report February 2016/01

On Thursday evening 11th February, the Almond Board of California released their January Almond Industry Position Report...

Market Report January 2016/01

On Tuesday evening 12th January, the Almond Board of California released their December 2015 Almond Industry Position Report confirming shipments ...

Market Report December 2015/01

On Wednesday evening 9th December, the Almond Board of California released their November 2015 Almond Industry Position Report confirming shipments ...

Market Report November 2015/01

On Wednesday evening 11th November the Almond Board of California released their October 2015 Almond Industry Position Report...

Market Report October 2015/01

On Friday evening 9th October the Almond Board of California released their September 2015 Almond Industry Position Report...

Market Report September 2015

On Friday evening 11th September the Almond Board of California released their August 2015 Almond Industry Position Report...

Market Report August 2015/01

The Almond Board of California released their final monthly shipping report for the 2014/15 season on Wednesday evening 12th August...

Market Report July 2015/01

On Wednesday evening 1st July NASS [The National Agriculture Statistic Services] announced their 2015 Californian Objective Crop Estimate of 1.80 billion lbs...

Market Report June 2015/01

The Almond Board of California released their May 2015 Almond Industry Position Report Thursday evening 11th June with shipments of 139.6 million lbs...

Market Report May 2015/01

The Californian Agricultural Statistics Services [CASS] released their 2015 Almond Crop Subjective estimate on the 6th May, with a figure 1.85 billion lbs...

Market Report April 2015/02

On the 29th April the National Agricultural Statistics Service [NASS] released their updated data on the Californian acreage...

Market Report April 2015/01

The Almond Board of California released their March 2015 Almond Industry Position Report Friday evening 10th April with shipments of 190.1 million lbs...

Market Report March 2015/01

The Almond Board of California released their February 2015 Almond Industry Position Report Wednesday evening 11th March with shipments of 139.98 million lbs...

Market Report February 2015/02

Despite the decline in January shipments [report issued last week], almond prices are unchanged. Most reports from California suggested that January shipments were...

Market Report February 2015/01

The Almond Board of California released their January 2015 Almond Industry Position Report on Wednesday evening 11th February...

Market Report January 2015/01

The Almond Board of California released their December 2014 Almond Industry Position Report on Friday evening 9th January with shipments of..

Market Report December 2014/01

The Almond Board of California released their November 2014 Almond Industry Position Report on Tuesday evening 9th December...

Market Report November 2014/01

The Almond Board of California released their October 2014 Almond Industry Position Report on Tuesday evening 11th November, confirming shipments during the month...

Market Report October 2014/01

The Almond Board of California released their September 2014 Almond Industry Position Report on Thursday evening 9th October...

Market Report September 2014/01

The Almond Board of California released their August 2014 Almond Industry Position Report on Thursday evening 11th September...

Market Report August 2014/01

The Almond Board of California released their July 2014 Almond Industry Position Report on Tuesday evening 12th August, confirming shipments during the month of...

Market Report July 2014/02

The Almond Board of California released their June 2014 Almond Industry Position Report on Thursday evening 10th July, confirming shipments during the month of ...

Market Report July 2014/01

On Monday evening 30th June NASS [The National Agriculture Statistic Services] announced their 2014 Californian Objective crop estimate at 2.10 billion lbs...

Market Report June 2014/02

The Almond Board of California released their May 2014 Almond Industry Position Report on Wednesday evening 11th June...

Market Report June 2014/01

Almond prices have increased significantly since the Subjective Crop Estimate was issued on the 1st May...